How To Change Windows 7 Logon Screen Background

Hey guys, Have you ever wondered how to change your Logon Screen Background in Windows7 just like you change your desktop background?

It’s a very simple trick….

  1.  The image you need to set as the background should be a .jpg file and it’s size should not exceed 245KB.
  2. The image resolution can be anything of your choice. However it is better to have the ones with 1440 x 900 or 1024 x 768. You can use any of the photo editing software such as Photoshop to compress and set the resolution for your image. Once you’re done, save this image as backgroundDefault.jpg.
  3. You will need to copy this image to C:\Windows\system32\oobe\info\backgrounds
  4. You will need to create that path if it does not already exist on your computer.
  5. Now open the Registry Editor (Start -> Run -> Type regedit) and navigate to the following key HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Authentication\LogonUI\Background Note: If Background does not exist rightclick LogonUI, select New and then Key, and then name it Background. Now locate OEMBackground (listed on the right side). If it does not exist, right-click Background and select New and then DWORD and name it OEMBackground.
  6. Double-click on OEMBackground and set the Value Data to 1.
  7. Now log-off to see the new logon screen background. If you would like to revert back to the default background, just set the Value Data back to 0.

Here is yet another quick Step method for the class of lazy guyz who hate reading long posts like me.

If you do not like the Windows 7 login screen, you can change it as shown above by trying this simple hack.

Here is how you can do it.

  1.  Launch the Windows Registry Editor by typing Regedit in Start Menu
  2. Go to ‘HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Authentication\Log ​​onUI\Background‘.
  3. Double-click the DWORD value called ‘OEM Background’ to open it and enter 1 in the Value data field. Note: If the DWORD ‘OEM Background’ is not there, you need to make it.
  4. Browse to the background image that you would like use on the log-in screen. A JPEG file that is less than 245 kb in size can only be used here.
  5. Copy the image you want to use into the ‘%windir%\system32\oobe\info\backgrounds‘ folder. If the folder is not present, you need to create it.
  6. Rename the image to backgroundDefault.jpg
  7. Restart your computer to check the new login background screen.
BINGO,,,!!! :)
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He is a 23 year old Successful Entrepreneur Blogger from India who is an addictive web developer. Shakir is playing a key role in promoting Blogger Platform from almost 2 years now. He has developed dexterous skills the reason why he is usually known as the "Geek of all Blogger developers".
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